nThe Smurfs is a Belgian comic franchise centered on a fictional colony of small, blue, human-like creatures who live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest. The Smurfs was first created and introduced as a series of comic characters by artist Peyo in 1958. There are more than 100 Smurf characters, and their names are based on adjectives that emphasise their characteristics. The Smurfs franchise began as a comic and expanded into advertising, films, TV series, video games, theme parks, and dolls.
The loveable blue characters from the Smurfs are here to entertain all their fans from 1 – 99 years old. Everyone loves Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Brainy and Clumsy!
Audience For All Ages
Meet & Greet
Meet & Greet
Customers and children can come and meet Papa Smurf, Brainy or Smurfette for a cuddle, hand shake or high five. The Smurfs Meet & Greet lets children and adults alike to get up close and personal with these lovable Smurf characters for a caring cuddle and memorable photo opportunity.
Activity Centre
Activity Centre
Enter the enchanted forest and enjoy loads of playful fun with the Smurfs in this interactive craft village. It will be a Smurf-tastic time for kids of all ages, with a variety of fun and colourful craft options to choose from.
Christmas Show
Bundle up and get ready to celebrate the festive season with our adorable little blue friends…….. The Smurfs…….. It’s Christmas and Smurfette is ready to light up the stage with her Rock’n Roll Christmas Party Hop….. But will Papa Smurf be able to get over his stage fright?
Get ready to sing along… Get ready to dance along in a Smurfland Christmas kind of way.
To find out more about Licenced Characters, or any of Showtime Attractions wonderful events and workshops, simply fill out the enquiry form or get in touch with us via phone on:
+61 3 9770 8000.
To find out more about Smurfs, or any of Showtime Attractions wonderful events and workshops, simply fill out the enquiry form or get in touch with us via phone on:
+61 3 9770 8000.
+61 3 9770 8000.