The film follows a teenage girl named Yi, who encounters a young Yeti on the roof of her apartment building in Shanghai, names him Everest and embarks on an epic quest to reunite the magical creature with his family at the highest point on Earth along with her mischievous friends Jin and Peng, but the trio of friends will have to stay one-step ahead of Burnish, a wealthy man intent on capturing a Yeti, and zoologist Dr. Zara to help Everest get home.
Abominable is a 2019 computer-animated adventure film produced by DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio.
Meet & Greet
Meet & Greet
Meet the star of Abominable- Everest. A themed meet and greet space of 4x4m is provided as part of the Activity Centre, if requested, allowing the costumed character and chaperone to perform in a controlled environment.
The Abominable Costume Character is extremely oversized and requires a strong well-trained suit performer. The dressing room space and door access should be considered.
Activity Centre
Activity Centre
Enjoy a mystical experience as you visit earths highest mountain above sea level and the home to Everest the magical Yeti. Based on the blockbuster movie Abominable, this craft activation will let children create their very own Snow Dome masterpiece.
The Abominable craft activation has been designed to accommodate a 6x6m footprint however the infrastructure will also allow you to create a smaller 6x4m footprint if there is a request to do so.
To find out more about Licenced Characters, or any of Showtime Attractions wonderful events and workshops, simply fill out the enquiry form or get in touch with us via phone on:
+61 3 9770 8000.
To find out more about Abominable, or any of Showtime Attractions wonderful events and workshops, simply fill out the enquiry form or get in touch with us via phone on:
+61 3 9770 8000.
+61 3 9770 8000.